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Solway Investment Group adopts grievance mechanisms to enable affected and potentially affected parties amongst the companies and projects in which Solway invests to express their concerns and grievances, including those related to human rights.


The procedure is intended, besides identifying, recording, evaluating, and providing timely responses and resolutions in a close dialogue with Solway’s potentially affected stakeholders, to supplement the portfolio companies’ own complaints mechanisms. The aim is to prevent, mitigate, or remediate existing and potential conflicts related to the Group or companies and projects in which Solway invests. Solway shall keep track of the grievances submitted to the portfolio companies on a monthly basis.


Respect for employees, customers, business partners, public authorities, and local communities, NGOs and other representatives of civil society enables us to work together successfully, while maintaining trust and transparency.


The Grievance Mechanism helps to achieve the following goals:


– identifythe grievances of Solway or the portfolio companies’ affected stakeholders through a simple and accessible procedure;

– createa procedure for recording, evaluating, and responding to any grievances received by any stakeholder;

– provide a clear and transparent process to any stakeholder;

– ensurea prompt response time;

– ensurethe existence of different, easily accessible channels for receiving and communicating grievances




Main Steps


Step 1. Receiving and keeping track of grievances

– receiving, registering, analyzing and first classifying;

– alerting concerned parties.


Step 2. Reviewing and investigating grievances

– dialogue with the parties placing the claim or complaint;

– analysis with all parties involved;

– input receipt.


Step 3. Developing resolution options, preparing a response, and closing out

– creation of solutions for the party placing the grievance, e.g. through a settlement agreement;

– resolution implementation/realization.


Step 4. Monitoring, reporting, and evaluating a grievance mechanism

– keeping track of the arrangements;

– informing the claimant about the state of its implementation;

– evaluating grievance mechanism against management indicators.




Step 1. Confirmation of receipt of the grievance and its registration – 3 business days;

Step 2. Notification about the admissibility or inadmissibility -15 business days;

Step 3. Resolution and response notification – 15 business days.

Step 2 and Step 3 timelines may vary depending on the complexity of the claim.


The relevant claims are managed and transferred to the Sustainable Development Steering Committee for the admissibility analysis and further management.

Click here to view the process JPG file


Online Form Submission
Download Form PDF file

Grievances can be brought to Solway Investment Group via any of the following channels:

Via email to: db@solway.ch

By telephone: to +41417400400

In writing to: Baarerstrasse 8, 6300 Zug Switzerland.