In May 2018, Campania Guatemalteca de Niquel (CGN) and Pronico – jointly referred to as Fenix project (Guatemala) – partnered with ERM Mexico, S.A. to evaluate progress made to date in the implementation of the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) best practices. Last week the report was completed and delivered.
The 2018 review features development updates, the implementation of the previous series of the Fenix project’s performance reviews, and the action plan issued in the years 2013 – 2016. The current report is focused on internationally recognized ESHS requirements and standards, as specified by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PS) on Social and Environmental Sustainability and related policies and guidelines:
- Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts;
- Labour and Working Conditions;
- Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention;
- Community Health, Safety and Security;
- Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement;
- Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources;
- Indigenous Peoples;
- Cultural Heritage.
According to this year’s review, CGN and Pronico continue to improve their processes in accordance with, and demonstrate their commitment to, the best international environmental and social practices. Based on interviews and observations, the ERM audit team expressed their opinion that the Fenix project has made a lot of progress in developing and implementing procedures required for the Environmental, Social, and Health and Safety management system, air emissions reductions, wastewater management, environmental restoration and rehabilitation, social risks reduction, and handling of grievances. Relationships with surrounding communities continue to be strengthened, social conflict has decreased, and the project’s reputation has improved.
In the conclusion of the report, the auditors expressed their belief that CGN and Pronico are performing their activities in accordance with the IFC Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability and related guidelines (General EHS guidelines, EHS Guidelines for the Mining sector, and EHS Guidelines for Base Metal Smelting and Refining), which are integrated in all aspects of their operations, as demonstrated in their environmental, social and health and safety management system.